2D Art - Abstract

For this project, students use makers, sharpies, tinfoil, a pencil, and water to create this abstract project. First, using a pencil, students will draw various lines and shapes to cover their watercolor paper. Next, they will outline the drawings with a sharpie. Next students color a sheet of tinfoil with watercolor markers, and the teacher will spray the tinfoil with water. Finally, students will place their paper (with the designs) face down on the tinfoil, and rub it down with a paper towel. This is a messier project, so students should be aware of potential staining of hands/clothes. 

Extension Activity:
This project could be integrated into geometry lesson. For example, students could use different shapes/angles learned in class to incorporate in their art project. Therefore, this approach allows for the teacher to have as much or a little as control over the criteria included within their project. 



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