Footprint Introductions

Description: This activity allows students to introduce themselves and use art to share who they are. For this project, students are asked use their footprint as a base, to draw, create, or find symbols that represent them. 

Example: The picture shown is my example. I chose multiple mediums, such as markers, colored pencils, crayons, ink, construction paper and printed images. Each symbol describes something about me, and here are a few examples: the popcorn/movie ticket represents how I enjoy watching movies, the South Dakota flag represents where I'm from, the Minnesota Vikings button represents my favorite sports team, the tree represents a hobby of being outdoors and in nature, and the Beatles button represents my love for listening to older music, specifically the Beatles. 

Extension Activity: Students will choose one symbol used on their footprint, and write about it. In an essay format, the students will be able to go more in depth with describing what the symbol is, what it means to them, and why they chose to include it on their footprint. Therefore, this will allow for integration of both visual and language arts.


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