Dot Day

For this project, we were asked to use different types of media (watercolor, markers, oil pastels, crayons, etc.). to create our own "dot". In relation to the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, this project can introduce a fun way to integrate reading in a creative way. 

In this example, I incorporated multiple techniques. The blue and red markers used around the boarder bled with the water. Whereas, the white crayon became visible and immovable with the watercolor. I also used a range of pastels in the middle to help accentuate the colors in the center of the dot.

Extension Activity: 
Students will work in groups, and read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds together. Once they are done reading, students will answer discussion questions: Where does the story take place? Who are the main characters? What happens in the story? What is the main idea? 
After group discussions, each students will individually write an answer a final question: How does the story relate to the "dot" you created? 


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