Elements and Principles of Design

Description: For this project, students were asked to find take pictures of twelve different examples of the elements and principles of design learned in class. More specifically, the elements/Principles we were asked to find were: rhythm, movement, contrast, contrast, value, form, shape, line, unity, pattern, emphasis, balance, texture, and color. We were also asked to include the definitions of each. This a a good activity to engage students, as it forces them to find art in the world around them.

Extension Activity:
This project could be integrated into a science lesson. For example, students can be asked to go out in their environment and take pictures related to themes in environmental biology, and write about their findings. Therefore, they will use art to represent their understanding of science. 


The picture above is an example of unity.

This picture is an example of movement

This is an example of form

This is an example of space.

 This picture of my dog is an example of emphasis. 


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