Van Gogh Landscape

For this project, students were asked to recreate their own version of Van Gogh's Starry Night. This lesson was introduced with art history, specifically the background/impact of Vincent Van Gogh and the life he lived. This project allows for students to learn about a famous piece of art through creativity and expression.

example shown was created with tissue paper, glue/mod podge, black construction paper, and oil/chalk pastels. I chose a urban landscape with mixture of warm and cool colors for the background, along with various line patterns to show a connection Starry Night.

Extension Activity:
Social Studies can be integrated into this activity by learning about the time period Vincent Van Gogh lived and answer questions through individual research and group discussion. 
Questions: When was Starry Night Created? What was happening in the world at this time? Who were the other historical figures of this era? What is the significance of Van Gogh's work? If Vincent Van Gogh created Starry Night today, would it look differently? How?



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